Sunday, 4 November 2012

Aligning Goals With My Course

Before I start I have 3 issues with statements made within the videos:

Ø  Susan as a Deep learner “teaches herself.” So she gets no value from the teacher? If the lesson was different, she would.  The teacher also has a responsibility to maximise the benefit of the lesson for Susan.
Ø  Robert as a Strategic learner “will cut any corner to achieve his goal with minimum effort”.  This is said as if it is a bad thing.  Sorry, but that is basic common sense.  So will Susan – its just her goals are different to Robert’s.  If anyone ever does otherwise they are wasting resources.  The problem only occurs when the goals are inappropriate.  For example, what are my goals in doing this course? I certainly want to achieve them with the minimum of effort but if my only goal in doing the course is to obtain the qualification, I am missing an opportunity to develop skills which will help me in my career and hopefully increase my job satisfaction because my students will do better.  If my only goal is to get the qualification, in the long run that will serve neither me nor the awarding institution as the value of their credentials will be undermined.
  Ø  The last line of the 3rd video states that the aim is to get “Robert to behave like Susan”.  To me that is wrong.  In a Level 3 teacher’s class, both Susan and Robert are behaving differently because the context is different.  Maybe by participating in different activities Susan will learn social skills that will help her develop and perform better in her career.

Anyway, now that my rant is over I better address the issue.  

One of the courses I am involved with this term is a module in International Business Environment which is part of a course in a Graduate Diploma in Management.  The awarding body sets the learning outcomes which mainly fall within applying and understanding in Bloom’s Taxonomy.  We have the opportunity to define the topics covered during the course
The awarding body also sets the method of assessment – which is one 3 hour exam worth 100% of the course grade.  We set the exam and write the exam questions which must be sent to and validated by the awarding body before the exam.  To me there are two very real dangers in delivering a course like this.  The first is that the lectures and lesson activities are engaging and the students get a good understanding of the subject - but the teacher forgets that the students need to write a 3 hour paper so they end up doing badly in the exam.  The second is that the teacher focusses on the exam so the students effectively memorise what they need to get it down on paper.  Neither of these is satisfactory

The next time the course is run I will insist that during the first lesson we do a brainstorm activity and get the students to select the topics for study during the term.  This term, the lead teacher chose them.  I feel the students will feel much more connected to the course if they have played an active role in selecting the topics within International Business which are covered.  This will mean that it is far more likely that they will select topics of which they have previous experience – so there will be more chance of them constructing knowledge on top of what they already know.  As the exam is to choose and answer 5 questions from a given 8, I would hope that all students will have sufficient opportunity  to be examined on topics of which they have experience.

As we have no choice over the method of assessment, I need to identify and implement opportunities through the course for formative assessment.  Fortunately we use Moodle as our LMS so I intend to utilise this as much as possible.  Opportunities for formative assessment are:
On line and in class discussion forums on selected topics
Requesting students to summarise and discuss academic literature and/or current events relevant to the topics
Ungraded exam practise or essay planning activities.  

Some of our students have not been in an academic environment for many years so they do need to be given the opportunity for exam practise – Moodle can create this opportunity by me setting exam type questions and asking them to try to answer it within 45 minutes at home and submit it on line for my feedback

I can also give positive feedback on their forum postings and ask them to consider further thoughts on the topic as appropriate.

This process is a really important part of the course planning process.  In future I want to ensure that all of the courses I am involved with plan their course structure around this framework.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

100 Ideas for Assessment

Unfortunately we didn’t get to 100, and a lot of ideas were kind of the same.  It got me thinking about a couple of issues:

  1.   What do we mean by assessment?  I think the ideas generated indicated that we are kind of trapped in an HCT mindset where all assessment has to count towards the student grade.  It doesn’t of course but within HCT the perceived reality seems to be that if it doesn’t count towards the final grade, students won’t do it.  Having left HCT I am now in an environment where that is not the case.  Externally set exams or assignments are how the grade is determined but there is a lot of other “assessment” that goes on  - both formal and informal such as discussions, peer review, self assessment of achievement of learning outcomes
  2. Who is assessment for?  There are many possible answers to this.  The institution, teachers, students, society at large.
  3. What is assessment for?  What does it actually tell us that is meaningful?  It seems to me that college has 2 main functions.  The traditional university environment as a place where people actually seek out new knowledge but also as a kind of greenhouse where students develop supposedly real world skills in a protected and speeded up environment.  But in reality what is it that our students can do in the real world.  And more importantly what will they do ? And how do we assess that?  We are all working on this qualification and hopefully we will get it.  What does attainment of the qualification mean -not only in terms of what I can do but also and more importantly in terms of what I will do?  I always felt the UK driving test is a pretty good assessment of driving competence.  But every day I see UK qualified drivers driving badly.  Once we have got the qualification, every day many of us drive in a way which, if we had done it on the day of the test, would have meant we failed.  The same probably applies to many qualifications – even teaching.  Many professions have a process of continual assessment – such as airline pilots.  They have to do a simulation of a flight every 6 months.  If they don’t pass, they can’t fly a plane.  Should other professions such as teaching be similar?