Project Plan:
Course Description: Economics for Managers (Level 1) . This course introduces the basic concepts of Microeconomics with an emphasis on their application in business decisions and the analysis of market structures. It focuses on the mechanism of demand and supply, price elasticity of demand, costs of production and the basic characteristics of market structures. Students are expected to use the theoretical concepts covered to analyze UAE businesses and their industries.
In groups of 3 or 4 the students have to work as if they have been hired by a business to prepare part of an analysis of the market forces affecting the business, including the demand and supply of its products/services and its competitive position. In addition, they have been asked to analyze the impact of the economic situation in the UAE on the firm’s industry and the impact of that industry on the economic situation in the UAE in recent years (2009/2010 or 2010/2011
I plan to use Google Docs as the learning technology to support the students’ development of their project. This will enable the students to work independently but collaborate together. Google Docs will also allow me to be involved and offer support in that process.
Additional Value:
· Encourage independent work on a group project (rather than 1 person doing it and submitting on behalf of everyone.
· Allow for more frequent teacher feedback.
· Encourage student/student feedback
How do I ensure that the learning is with the technology rather than from the technology? Good question. I think using Google docs helps to foster learning because it is a social medium. The students can use the tool for discussing, collaborating and supporting each other’s learning through the project